www.amexgiftcard.com – How To Activate Your Amex Gift Card

How to activate your American Express gift card
American Express gift cards are a great way to show your appreciation. Gift cards are great for a simple treat to big splurge. With American Express gift cards you can customize your design and value for the perfect way to celebrate a wedding, birthday, women’s day, anniversary or any occasion. You can choose your preferred gift cards from popular design available for holidays, birthday, thank you and more. The personal gift card is available between $25 to $3000. No fees will be required after purchase and your fund will never expire. Your gift card could take 2-3 business days for arrival.
How many types of gift cards are offering by the American Express:
There are 2 kinds of gift cards are available right now
- Personal gift cards
- Gold sparkle
- Silver Metal
- Gold Stripe
- Thank Pinstripes
- Silver Diagonal
- Gold Bow
- Thank Teal
- Thank Purple
- Blue Diagonal
- Blue box
- Party favors
- Wood Flowers
- Blue Balloons
- Congrats Stars
- Gift group
- Business gift cards
- Popular design gift cards
- Customized message gift cards
- Placing an order of $100,000 or more
Why would you like to choose American Express gift cards:
- No fees are required after purchase
- Your funds will never expire with American Express gift cards
- You can choose your own customized message on your American Express gift cards
- You can choose the value of your American Express gift cards between $25 to $3000.
- You can use your American Express gift cards anywhere virtually where American Express cards are accepted in the U.S
- You could replace your American Express gift cards in case of lost or stolen
- You can use your gift cards to purchase online and in-store.
- You can select your preferred gift cards from a variety of popular designs.
How to purchase an American Express gift card online:
- To, purchase an American Express gift card online, you could visit the following page www.amexgiftcard.com
- Now, select your preferred type of gift cards either between Personal gift cards or business.
- Click “Shop gift cards”
- Now, select your preferred gift card
- Thereafter, you will be asked to enter the following information
Card value
If you want to give any customized message
- And, click “Add to cart”
- Now, move your cursor on the cart and click “Proceed to Checkout”
- Thereafter, you will be asked to enter your shipping and payment details which are as follows
Email address
First name
Last name
Complete Address
Phone number
- And, choose your preferred shipping mode of delivery and apply if you have any “Promo code”
- And, click “Continue to payment”
- After confirming your online payment, you will be acknowledged about your gift card delivery date.
Note – A purchase fee will be required for each gift card. And, if you want to order business gift cards of more than $100,000, you could contact their customer support through the following number 1-833-210-0392
How to activate your American Express gift card:
- To, activate your American Express gift card, you could visit the following page www.amexgiftcard.com
- Now, click on “Sign up”
- Thereafter, you need to register a new account and you will be asked the following details
First name
Last name
Account email address
Confirm password
- And, click “Sign Up” after checking their “Electronics delivery terms” box.
- After successfully creating your American Express gift card account login credentials, you could activate your gift card after login to your account.
Note – You need to create a new account for the American Express gift card, your old account login credentials for banking will not work.
How to login to your American Express Gift card account:
- To, login to your American Express Gift card account, you could visit the following page www.amexgiftcard.com
- Now, click on “Log in” which is at the top right-hand corner of the page
- After that, you will be asked to enter your American Express “Account email address” and “Password”
- And, click “Log in”
- After authenticating your American Express login credentials, you could sign in to your account.
How to check your American Express Gift card balance online:
- To, check your American Express Gift card balance online, you could visit the following link www.amexgiftcard.com
- Now, click on “Check balance”
- Thereafter, you will be required to enter your following gift card information
15 digits card number
Expiration date
4 digits Security code
Email address
- And, click “Sign in” after checking the CAPTCHA
- After verifying your American Express card details, you could see the leftover balance.
How to reset your American Express Gift card account password:
- To, reset your American Express Gift card account password, you could visit the following page www.amexgiftcard.com
- Now, click on “Log in” which is at the top right-hand corner of the page
- Here, you could click on the link “Forgot your password” which is just below the password field
- Thereafter, you will be asked to enter your American express “Account email address”
- And, click “Reset password”
- A password reset link will be sent to your registered email address
- And, after following a couple of steps, you could be able to restore your American Express gift card account password.
If you have any further queries, you could contact American Express through the following
How to contact American Express:
- You can contact American Express customer support team through the following number
- You can go through the American Express online FAQs to get quick resolutions.
- You can write to American Express to the following address
American Express® Gift Card
Customer Care
PO Box 826
Fortson, GA 31808
- And, you could follow American Express through their social media handler
Reference :
Facebook – www.facebook.com/AmericanExpress
Twitter – twitter.com/americanexpress
Instagram – www.instagram.com/americanexpress
YouTube – www.youtube.com/user/AmericanExpress