www.mybpcreditcard.com/accept – Manage Your BP Credit Card Account

How to participate in BPme Rewards and Credit Card program :
Now, you could instantly save on every gallon. Bp has introduced a BPme rewards program, for every time you fuel up at any Bp and Amco station, you could save 5 cents on every gallon. Bp has introduced a BPme app through which you can track all your rewards, check your balance, easy to pay at the gas station, and view your receipt, without stepping out of your car.
Bp formerly known as British Petroleum is one of the major multinational oil corporations of the world, headquartered in London. With the BPme rewards app, you could get an additional bonus offer plus additional savings on fuel. You could keep your rewards account going by spending at least $100 every calendar month. To know more about the BPme rewards program, you could go through the article.
How many types of Credit Card are offered by BP:
Bp offers three types of credit card which are as follows
- BP credit card
- BP Visa credit card
- BP Visa Signature credit card
Who are the benefits of BPme rewards program:
- You could save 5 cents on every gallon of gas you will purchase.
- The offer is valid for purchasing gas from all the BP and Amco gas station.
- You could get access to exclusive deals and offer.
- You will get access to BPme rewards App
- The online registration for the rewards program is very simple and fast.
- With the BPme rewards app, you could pay easily at the gas station, you could track all your purchases, rewards, view your receipts and many more.
- You can keep your rewards account going, by just spending $100 each month.
- With the BPme rewards app, you don’t require to Enter the PIN for payment, just a few taps and you are done with lots of savings.
Who is eligible to participate in the BPme rewards program:
- The participant must be 18 years of old
- The participant must be a resident of the United States of America excluding California.
- If the participant is minor in your jurisdiction, he/she can participate under the supervision of their legal guardian.
- The participant can only use the rewards in the United States of America.
- The participant must register themself for the BPme rewards program through the app or Official website.
- The participant must have a valid email address and phone number.
- The participant must know English.
- The participant must have a smartphone or laptop/computer.
How to apply for the BP Visa Credit Card through a pre-approval letter:
- To, apply for the BP Visa Credit Card through a pre-approval letter, you could visit the following page www.mybpcreditcard.com/accept
- Now, you will be asked to enter the following details
9-digits Authorization code (which could be found at the bottom of your pre-approval letter)
Last name
- And, click “Continue”
- After, authenticating your “Authorization code” and “Last name” you need to go through a couple of steps which are as follows
- After the final submission of your online application, you would be acknowledged about your BP Visa credit card approval status.
How to register yourself for the BPme Rewards Program online:
- To, register yourself for the BPme Rewards Program, you could visit the following page www.bp.com/bpme-rewards-registration
- Thereafter, you will be asked to enter your following details
First name
Last name
Email address
Confirm your email address
- And, click “Sumit” after checking the “terms and Conditions” and “Privacy statement” checkbox.
- After, authenticating your given details, you could be able to sign up for the BPme rewards program.
How to register yourself for the BPme Rewards Program through the BPme app:
- To, register yourself for the BPme Rewards Program through the BPme app, you need to download the app from your mobile app market
- Now, after installing the app
- You will be asked to enter your information for registration
- You could complete your registration, by entering your following details
First name
Last name
Email address
Confirm your email address
- And, click “Sumit” after checking the “terms and Conditions” and “Privacy statement” checkbox.
- After, authenticating your given details, you could be able to sign up for the BPme rewards program.
Also Read : Pre-Approval For Total Visa Credit Card Online
How the BPme rewards program works:
- First, you need to register with the BPme rewards program, for more convenience you could download the BPme app from your mobile app store.
- At, the time of registration, you could add your payment card
- Now, you need to find your nearest BP and Amco gas station and begin fueling
- After that, you could use the BPme app to select the gas station and you could pay without stepping out of your car.
- You will get instantly rewarded, every time you fill up and could save on every gallon.
How to login to your BPme rewards program account:
- To, login to your BPme rewards program account, you could visit the following page www.bp.com/bpme-rewards-registration
- Now, click on “Login” which is provided at the top right-hand corner of the page
- Thereafter, you will be asked to enter your “email address” and “Password”
- And, click “Log in”
- After, authenticating your BP login credentials, you could be access to your BPme rewards program account.
How to reset your BPme rewards program account password:
- To, reset your BPme rewards program account password, you could visit the following page www.bp.com/bpme-rewards-registration
- Now, click on “Login” which is provided at the top right-hand corner of the page
- Here, you need to click on the alternative link “forgot your password” which is provided immediately below the “Log in” button
- Now, you could retrieve your BPme rewards account password using your “email address” or “phone number”
- If, you want to retrieve your BPme rewards account password using your “email address” you need to tab on the e-mail option, and after entering your email address
- Click “Send password reset email”
- A password reset link will be sent to your registered email address, you need to click on the reset link and follow a couple of steps to retrieve your BPme rewards account password.
- Or, if you want to retrieve your BPme rewards account password, using your mobile phone, you need to tap on the phone number option and after entering your phone number
- Click “send password reset SMS”
- After that, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number and follow the required steps to retrieve your BPme rewards account password.
If you need any further assistance or have any queries, regarding the BPme rewards program you could contact BP through the following
How to contact BP:
- You could reach their customer support through the following number to get a quick response
+1 800 333 3991
For BP credit cards –
BP card Phone:
BP Visa card Phone:
844 832 0030
BP Platinum Visa card Phone:
844 887 1975
- You could also write to BP at the following address
Credit card payments can be mailed to:
BP PLCC & Visa
P.O. Box 965006
Orlando, FL 32896-5006
501 Westlake Park Boulevard
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: +1 281 366 2000
30 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: +1 630 420 5111
BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc
.900 East Benson Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99508-4254
Phone: +1 907 561 5111
BPX Energy
1700 Platte Street
Suite 150
Denver, CO 80202
- You can reach them through email at the following address
- To get a quick resolution, you could go through their FAQ’s.
- And, last but not least, you could follow BP through their social medial handler
Facebook – www.facebook.com/bp
Twitter – twitter.com/BP_plc
YouTube – www.youtube.com/channel
Instagram – www.instagram.com/bp_plc
Reference – www.mybpstation.com/register